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From: jwmanly+news@amherst.edu
Subject: Re: C-Kermit Scripting using INPUT and LOG SESSION
Date: 11 Mar 1999 18:09:45 -0500
Organization: Amherst College
Message-ID: <36e84d39.0@amhnt2.amherst.edu>
To: kermit.misc@mailrelay2.cc.columbia.edu
Frank da Cruz <fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu> wrote:
: : Why the necessity for the INPUT line? I assume it is to force
: : C-Kermit to somehow "consume" or "process" the information, but is there
: : any other, cleaner way to do that?
: :
: No. You have to think of INPUT as an analog for your eyes and brain.
: If you were in CONNECT mode, you'd watch the stuff coming in, and eventually
: you would see something that tells you it's done. No INPUT, no eyes (and
: no brain :-)
Got it. So how does LOG SESSION fit into this? That is, at what point does
material coming in get written to the log file -- when it hits the DEVICE
buffer, or when it gets moved from that buffer to the INPUT buffer?
: : Final question: notice how I put that "INPUT 10 </html>" command at the end
: : of the script to flush out whatever other data comes back from the remote
: : server following the part that I am intersted in? If I don't do this, when
: : I hit the EXIT at the end of the script (even though it follows the HANGUP
: : command), I get the "There may still be a connection open, OK to exit?"
: : message when the script finishes. I assume this is because there is
: : "unconsumed" data in the buffer.
: :
: It's because the connection is still open, just like it says. The server
: closes the connection after all the data it sent has been acknowledged
: (at the TCP level).
And it's not acknowledged until it has been moved to the INPUT buffer by an
INPUT command? Got it. This would seem to suggest some usefulness to some
kind of FLUSH or PAUSE-WHILE-FLUSHING command -- you know, pause for 2 seconds
and discard anything that comes in during that time. I've sometimes wanted to
do that in the middle of a script, and doing a bogus "INPUT 2 XXXXX" seems a
bit kludgy.
While we're at it, some TELNET clients have a function (usually bound to a key)
that does a "send mark and then flush to mark" function -- often called abort
output. Does Kermit have anything like this that can be used from a script?
: : How do I tell Kermit to drop the
: : connection regardless of whether there is anything left in the buffer or
: : not, even if data is still streaming in?
: :
: Like it says in the book:
Hmmm. So HANGUP just tells the other end to close down, but doesn't actually
close the connection. There's no straightforward way to tell Kermit to
tell the other side to close down and wait for some number of seconds to see
if the TCP connection is actually closed by the remote side?
-- John W. Manly <jwmanly@amherst.edu> (Amherst College)